October 27 of this year, Samsung will open the first developer conference. The event will be held in San Francisco, United States. But that does not mean that the company has left the world. Far from it. Those who do not have the chance to go to San Francisco can take solace with the European Developer Conference (or European Developer Day). In fact, the European developer conference will be held on November 18 at the London Film Museum. With some minor differences, it will look like at any point with that which will be organized in the United States.
During the event, Samsung will focus on software development kits for mobile, in-app purchases as well as smart TV or just smart TVs. The company also speak native programming interfaces for web and Tizen, its OS. Opportunities related services including Samsung Hub and Wallet will also be at the heart of the debate.
Samsung really seems to be determined to show that it is not just a simple operator Android. These conferences for developers will certainly help in this regard. For those who are interested in these lectures, note that they are free, but places are limited. Hurry up if you want to join, you can make your pre-booking now from this page (http://www.samsungdevday.com/).