As you know if you are keen to Jailbreak, iOS 6.1.3, the latest update of the operating system of the iPhone and iPad, closed the door to Jailbreak Evasi0n. This means that any device that is upgraded to iOS 6.1.3 lose Jailbreak and so far there is no way to recover it (except for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch fourth generation). History repeats itself each year when there is a new Jailbreak Apple blocks it with a new version and the search process begins again. Hackers group Evad3rs -makers of the last Jailbreak have dropped that his intentions are not looking for a new Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3, but wait until Apple releases iOS 7 at late summer. The reason is that iOS 6.1.3 is a version with little improvement and not worth wasting the exploits that are stored in it is better to wait for iOS 7 that alone was a quantum leap (remember that an exploit is a vulnerability system imperative to develop the jailbreak). However, the future is uncertain, it appears that there will be a new jailbreak until after summer and that will be the same Evad3rs those who get so far that p0sixninja has entered the game again.
The well-known hacker, ex-leader of the Chronic Dev Team, is back on the scene with some surprising statements in Twitter ensuring that sufficient discovered exploits to create on their own next Jailbreak. In recent months p0sixninja has been working solo and now appears ready to communicate their progress, though, all by the way, has not provided any evidence. The hacker has not specified anything about the version on which it will work, it would make sense to wait for the arrival of iOS 7 but could surprise to Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3, but it is highly unlikely.
Assuming that what you say is true p0sixninja, the future looks really good Jailbreak. The Evad3rs also said they had saved several exploits and expected to be useful in the iOS Jailbreak 7, maybe this time do not have to wait that long. Jailbreak scene found many obstacles in recent years, the Jailbreak of iOS 5 took three months to be released with iOS 6 was delayed pending no less than five months. Apple has increased the security of its platform and is increasingly hackers complicated jump system defenses, we should expect to see that they have prepared with iOS 7. However if exploits Evad3rs p0sixninja and remain at secret, it is possible that there is a Jailbreak iOS 7 much sooner than we expect.
Apple will announce all new iOS 7 in June and will be published beta versions over summer, this period will be crucial for hackers to exploit keep trying if they work. For now remember that you should not upgrade to iOS 6.1.3 to maintain the Jailbreak until the next.