It is normal that once we entered afraid to tinker phone settings in case anything happened to install bad or serious. But this fear will happen to the next tutorial, I will teach you how to install applications without having to use the Google Play Store. There are many reasons why one may need to install applications on their own, such as applications that we buy for the price you want in the Humble Bundle including versions for Android, the app store Amazon, applications know that our terminal can move but says Google Play Store is not supported as was my case with Line, or beta versions or application development we believe we or our friends and acquaintances.
Preparing the terminal
First, configure your terminal to accept that you can install applications from unknown origin, ie yourselves. For that go to the terminal settings to the security section and give the option to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources. This step will have to do only once, so you will not have to do any other time in the future if you find more applications want to install. Also, for security, you can disable it if you want to pay the terminal to a known and make sure it will not get anything by accident.
Installing the application
Now time to install the application, and it must be contained within the terminal. First of all, you must warn that applications are installed only if they are in a container with the .apk, otherwise the terminal will not recognize it. As a suggestion to make it much easier the next step, we recommend putting the application in the root folder of your device for having to find out folders quickly.
Entering the APK of the app is as simple as dragging it to a folder of your terminal
To install the apps, simply use a content browser to find the application. Many terminals usually have their own file browser, but in the Google Play Store there are many file browsers if your terminal does not have standard one, including Astro, which must be installed in order to explore folders in our device.
The .apk files Contains the application you want to install
Now, just have to find the file .apk of the application you want to install, look reporting elements of the device that accesses the application, accept it, and it will be settled. Depending on the size of the application and the power of your terminal, it will be installed faster or slower. It must be said that the. Apk has entered the terminal, it does not mean that will be installed in the terminal, as some terminals have multiple partitions on your memory and the space devoted to applications installed is not the same that we have led the. apk.
With all this, you have installed the application
Once completed the installation process, and is ready to be executed. It’s natural that we do not realize that is installed only if we look at the desk, if we want, we have to create a shortcut to the application in a way that allows us to have the launcher installed.
After reading this tutorial, you can install all the applications you want and not rely on app stores that you limit the possibilities of your terminal. Yes, notifying you that the process is completely safe but freely distributed applications can contain malware and other unwanted items. For this, you should always go with confidence that you are installing applications from reliable places. We also recall that the mere fact of being installed does not mean it will work correctly, as this process only gets you install an application without the limitations of the app stores.