New Huawei Smartphone: Sonic, Vision and Honor with Android OS

New Huawei Smartphone Sonic, Vision and Honor with Android OS

Huawei has introduced its new range of Android smartphones at the facilities of Serendipity in Milan. Officiate at the event, Daniele De Grandis, new executive director of Huawei Italy. Three new smartphones signed Huawei, based on mobile operating system Google Android 2.3 Gingerbread: Huawei Honor, Huawei Vision and Huawei Sonic U8650. Huawei Honor (122 x … Read more

iMessage, the new messaging service for mobile Apple iOS 5

Apple decided to enter fully into the territory of the text messages through their new application iMessage, which will provide users of mobile devices with iOS 5 platform the ability to send texts, videos and photos for free, which can represent a blow to the telephone companies have made big business SMS. The new application … Read more