New Huawei Smartphone: Sonic, Vision and Honor with Android OS

New Huawei Smartphone Sonic, Vision and Honor with Android OS

Huawei has introduced its new range of Android smartphones at the facilities of Serendipity in Milan. Officiate at the event, Daniele De Grandis, new executive director of Huawei Italy. Three new smartphones signed Huawei, based on mobile operating system Google Android 2.3 Gingerbread: Huawei Honor, Huawei Vision and Huawei Sonic U8650. Huawei Honor (122 x … Read more

Android smartphones suffer more damage than Apple or Blackberry

A recent study found that mobile operating system Android are often damaged more frequently than their competitors from Apple or Blackberry, but this is not due to faults or difficulties of the Google operating system, but the unreliable hardware components. The adage “What you pay for” seems to be hanging around the heads of the … Read more