smoke detectors were dying, with a scheduled end-of-life date of 2016

Smart Smoke Detector: Roost Smart Smoke Alarms


Now everything is smart and integrated with your smartphone. Roost, company very attentive to new additions smart in our house, had presented a 9V battery which added smart features to any smoke detector, the Smart Battery 9V, but now has evolved to functionality and presented Roost Smart smoke Alarm is an intelligent smoke detector that also includes the Smart Battery.

smoke detectors were dying, with a scheduled end-of-life date of 2016
The Smart Battery integrates everything you need to connect to the WiFi network at home and send notifications to your smartphone with which keep an eye on our home intelligently. It ‘good to note that the battery has a range of a couple of years and therefore does not need to be replaced often.

Roost Smart Smoke Alarm is a small concentration of technology with photoelectric sensors and ionized to identify any source of fire with precision and thanks to the presence of a proprietary internal processor is able to avoid false alarms. Everything is integrated with the ‘ dedicated app for the mobile devices to interact with the alarm, interrupting him, sending a direct call to friends or relatives, and more.

Looking for the best smoke detector to keep your family and belongings safe

Roost Smart Smoke Alarm will be sold in two versions, with or without the smoke detector of carbon monoxide gas at the price of $59.99 and $79.99.
