The new version of the mobile platform from Apple for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch iOS 6 will be available for download tomorrow on Wednesday September 19. This new release has many improvements over iOS 5 that make the upgrade worthwhile, but neither has so many new features as was iOS 5 to iOS 4. Anyway million users worldwide installed iOS 6 in terminal on Wednesday and thus enjoy all advantages. One of the best things about the iPhone is that update for quite some time and the company offers support for older devices, as in this case the iPhone 3GS, compatible terminals.
While most users upgraded to iOS 6 without hesitation, others should be especially careful in doing so. Of course we mean all those who have applied the jailbreak, the method that eliminates the restrictions of Apple and opens up a range of possibilities. Currently the latest version is iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken also is an Untethered Jailbreak completely stable not lost unless you update to a new version, in this case iOS 6. There is no Jailbreak for iOS 6 because the final version is not yet available, when this occurs hackers can get to work to try to overcome the defenses of the system once more. You never know when you take, could be one week to several months. When it was iOS 5 about a year ago many users to Jailbreak updated without thinking and had to wait a whopping three months to regain a Jailbreak stable at its terminals. That is why this time it is best to be cautious that this does not happen again.
You must make one thing clear, if you install iOS 6, you lose Untethered Jailbreak. At this point users must decide whether they prefer to enjoy the new features of the new version sacrificing all your applications Jailbreak indefinitely. But do not panic, there is a way to install iOS 6 and ensure your Jailbreak to get back to it later. While on iOS 6 you can not have a Jailbreak, but if you save the SHSH Blobs you can downgrade to iOS 5 from iOS 6 where Untethered Jailbreak is possible. SHSH Blobs are a sort of digital certificate that is unique for each device and is the key to install iTunes prior to the current versions of the system, in this case would be to return to iOS 5.1.1 from iOS 6.
Saving SHSH Blobs is very simple, you just have to perform the process with a tool called TinyUmbrella. All you have to do is connect your iPhone to your computer using the USB cable, open TinyUmbrella and press the Save SHSH. On Windows the files are saved in a folder called .shsh within your user folder. With this simple gesture you make sure that if you update to iOS 6 can return to iOS 5.1.1 and recover the Jailbreak. We suggest you keep safe SHSH Blobs because without them it will be impossible to downgrade version and you can not retrieve the Jailbreak.