Monthly Archives: January 2013


Vine: Twitter style video social network

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The immediacy of information is what has made Twitter one of the social networks most followed and used. However, it seems not to be sufficient for its creators, who have acquired a new independent social network Twitter but it has a lot to do with it. It is called Vine and focuses on the publication […]...


Evernote take complete notes on Windows PC and Windows Phone

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The most famous application, Evernote complete and helpful to take notes and have all your notes organized is now in the Microsoft Windows store. Evernote has released both Windows 8 version, for computers, as Windows Phone for smartphones. On both platforms the Business notebooks or businesses are particularly important. In addition, other functions are equated […]...


Tech specs of Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus

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The design of the Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus would be very similar to the current Samsung Galaxy Pocket. Technically, the first thing to note is that this phone would carry a touch screen only 2.8 inches, with what you would find one of the terminals of smaller size of its segment. The panel resolution is […]...


How to Enable Google Now on Samsung Galaxy S3

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Google Now is a wizard that makes the smart phone is a bit smarter. Its value lies in the way it connects the functions and applications you have installed on your phone to suggest, through cards that arise between notifications, information that may be of interest to the user. Moreover, this function operates indiscriminately through […]...


Nokia Lumia 920 will receive further updates to improve camera

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The Nokia Lumia 920 has one of the more powerful cameras on the market, but the fact is that Nokia is ready to improve even more. This is what emerges from the statements made by Juha Alakarhu, Head of Digital Imaging at Nokia at CES 2013 in Las Vegas. In the interview, Alakarhu referred to […]...


Sleek 4G for iPhone improves the quality of the smartphone

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The new iPhone dock comes from Wilson Electronics that aims to improve the quality of the received audio smartphone from Apple. At the height of CES 2013, which introduced and launched numerous products of different houses in the development, Wilson wanted to launch this accessory that improves up to 10 times the quality of the […]...


Lenovo would launch Windows Phone 8 smartphone

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When Microsoft announcement about his plans in the marketing and fusing of Windows Phone 8, the latest operating system for mobile devices, let it be known that among the partners that they would have to produce devices based on the new platform, there would be were Nokia, Samsung, HTC and Huawei. All four manufacturers have […]...