Discover the vulnerability and tips to combat Android FakeID

Rooting lately we feel that when we talk about Android is to deliver bad news or alert the user . He has appeared a new security risk in Android called FakeID, but we’re not limited to just talk about the vulnerability, but we will give you tools so you can at least fight. Going slightly … Read more

Customize your phone with MoDaCo Toolkit Xposed Framework

It is absolutely necessary that you have access root on your phone

As we all know, if there’s one thing that really stands out Google’s operating system is its tremendous customizability . Day after day, many people search for launchers , icon packages, modules, ROMs and countless resources to personalize your phone. But why do we customize both our phone? When someone personalize your phone, most times … Read more

Skype Mobile Version allows video calls in HD

in this new version of Skype has an improvement involves a faster synchronization of messages between different devices

Gradually Skype application continues to release features and enhancements for major mobile platforms. A communication tool that has always opted for the video call to keep in touch no matter the distance, and now wants to improve on the platform iOS. For it has released a new update with few but substantial improvements. Of course, … Read more