Although Google is committed to constantly release new updates that go to fix many bugs, in fact, with the latest version of Android KitKat have been solved many problems, often severe, that users had reported in various forums regarding this topic. There a bug but has not yet been completely resolved and that still many users of the Nexus 4, Nexus Nexus 5 and 7 also are experiencing during the daily use of the smartphones.
Android KitKat bug in question concerns a problem during the transfer of data between your smartphone or tablet equipped with Android 4.4.2 and your computer. In essence it has happened to many users that when copying the above data on the device via the microUSB cable connection, the process for the transfer was blocked by stopping the progress. For the moment only an update from Google could solve this problem, in fact, have been futile across restarts or resets the terminal. In each test performed was returned the same error.
For the moment it is possible to overcome this problem by making use of applications that allow you to transfer files via a wireless connection, using for example the WiFi (excellent app that permits it is AirDroid available for free on Play Store). Other users have also solved by enabling the USB debugging mode by the developer settings (this option did not work for all users).
We are waiting for Google to take the situation in hand, and that through some less-update solves the inconvenience. In the meantime, anyone else had encountered this problem is invited to comment on this article so check first and how many devices are still stuck in this situation and so to help you for the moment to find an alternative solution.